Engage with Nature-Based Solutions

CIRIABEST (CIRIA’S Benefits Estimation Tool)

creator SusdrainCIRIA's tool and guidance, BEST (Benefits EStimation Tool)
topic management, water
landscape landscape unknown
solution Low Impact Development (LID)
regional relevance Global
type tools

CIRIA's Benefits EStimation Tool) makes assessing the benefits of blue-green infrastructure quicker and easier, without the need for full-scale economic inputs. ciriabest is an online, spatial tool which guides the user through the benefits estimation process. 

CIRIABEST provides a structured way to estimate the value of the multiple benefits of blue-green projects. It provides a robust method to estimate the monetary value of a range of benefits that are not normally quantified. Rather than assigning fixed values, ciriabest encourages the user to think about the level of confidence they have in the data they have used, and the value assigned to the benefits in the context of the project. The main goal of ciriabest is to enable robust business cases to be made to give confidence to decision makers in the value of such projects to society, the environment and the economy.

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