Engage with Nature-Based Solutions

Artists & Interpreters

Art can inspire, educate, encourage self-reflection, and build community cohesion. Artists are key interpreters of our world, helping to contextualize and clarify emotion (such as climate grief), interpret and illuminate science (such as mycorrhizal networks and sea level rise), and encourage action and engagement (through personal or community story). Artists are key participants in the conversation about nature-based solutions and climate.

Each year, we invite a selection of Canadian artists, whose work straddles the science/art divide, to contribute research creation projects. Each artist is asked to create a piece that engages with nature-based solutions, and to present the work to their community. Artist commissions address nature-based solutions through digital visualization, poetry, drawings, sculpture, and photographs. 

ENBS participated in the 2024 Living and Learning with Climate Change Exhibition

ENBS exhibited six commissioned artists in the University of Victoria’s Living and Learning with Climate Change exhibition in February-March 2024. This student-led learning series about local climate change action featured artworks by students and local artists on the main floor of the McPherson Library, UVic. 

Exhibited artists included: Erin Robinsong & Merlin Sheldrake, Kirstie McCallum & Ken Josephson, Emrys Miller, Colton Hash, and Rande Cook.

2024 Artists

Four artists are being supported through commission to produce artworks that address climate change in 2024: 


Emrys Damon Miller: Creek Documents

Facilitating citizens in observation, drawings and photographs of a meandering urban creek, from headwaters to the sea.
#forest #parkland #stream #urban
#biodiversity conservation #stream restoration

Colton Hash: Urban Watersheds

An exhibition of interactive, digital artworks that visualize landscape relationships within cities. Visitors experiment and explore how urbanization shapes ecological change.
#urban #watershed
#mapping & visualization

Erin Robinsong & Merlin Sheldrake: Return Address

A poet and a mushroom biologist collaborate on a public workshop and poetry chapbook.
#various landscapes
#ecosystem connectivity

Andrea Fritz: Kwetlal Ecosystems

A series of sculptures installed in-situ of vestige Garry Oak Meadow (Kwetlal) ecosystems, with engagement and creation opportunities for children.
#forest #meadow #various landscapes
#creative place-making #Indigenous knowledge #native plant gardening

Kirstie McCallum: Cloudwell

A sculpture that provokes reflections on the slowness of hydrological cycles, and a workshop on island ecosystems and waterways.
#various landscapes
#water filtration

Marlene Creates & Don McKay: Walking & Memory Mapping

Memory mapping and guided walks for school children at the boreal poetry garden in Portugal Cove, Newfoundland.
#forest #rural #watershed
#creative place-making #mapping & visualization

Ariel Gordon: Forest Bathing & Eco-Anxiety

A tree-focused writing workshop and creative piece that addresses urban canopy cover, city trees, and climate change impacts in urban areas.
#forest #suburban #urban
#creative place-making #mapping & visualization #urban greening

Rande Cook: Community Gathering

A Kwakwaka'wakw multimedia artist hosted a gathering, feast, and ceremony in Alert Bay, off Vancouver Island.
#various landscapes
#ecosystem connectivity #Indigenous knowledge